I just can't believe another month has come and gone. We have been traveling in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and right now Arizona. We spent about 10 days at Lake Powell jet skiing and camping with friends. What an "otherworldly" place that lake is. If you ever get the chance to explore the slot canyons on a jet ski, do it. Because they are so small, jet skis can access areas most boats can't.
I'll be on KEZ 99.9FM again tomorrow about 7:30 am. It's always so much fun kidding around with Beth and helping folks with their pet problems. I hope you get a chance to tune in. I'm going to ask a trivia question so I'll give you readers a head start on the listeners. What animal kills more people than any other in North America? Some of you may of heard about the Grizzly that killed a hiker in Yellowstone recently. We need to exercise caution when outdoors. Our neighbors in Idaho have found a Mountain Lion and a badger on their front porch. A black bear came up on our back porch last summer. It is wonderful living in the woods but some common sense helps keep one safe. I'll post some pictures of some of the scenery and "critters" we see regularly up in Idaho.
We have to head back soon to be with my dad for his bone marrow biopsy. Take it from me, don't let anyone or anything keep you from spending time with loved ones until it's too late. Regret sucks.