Greetings pet lovers! Welcome to one of the most informative, enjoyable and down right entertaining blogs for people who love animals. Become a follower and enjoy my tips, advice, stories and good times involving pet owners and their furry loved ones.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall done fell.

Fall is definitely here.  It is amazing how you forget some of the things you knew as a kid when you've been away so long.  After 25 years in Phoenix, I'd forgotten how beautiful the fall colors on the "quaking" Aspen trees can be.  Check out these pictures we took today on our way to the airport.  We're flying to Phoenix for the Beth and Friends show again.  We've had some friends come and visit us from Phoenix and we showed them the beautiful place in which we live.  While floating down the river we saw hundreds of bright red salmon running under the boat and I demonstrated how you can "pet" them if you are sneaky enough.  One of our neighbors got attacked by a Grizzly earlier this week and I guess we were right in the same area.  Scary!  While we were floating the river, we also passed right by some huge moose.  Check out the pictures.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fun & Games in the Great Outdoors

Sometimes you feel like a nut...
Sometimes you don't
We've been having a blast and keeping very busy.  Some of you have emailed me pet questions and I've been slow responding because we've been out of touch.  Please always feel free to contact me via this blog or my email .  I'm also developing a facebook page to help keep in touch.  When we are at the cabin, internet is sketchy so it may take a while to get back to you.  I will be in Phoenix doing the radio show again on the 19th of August at around 6:45 am with the always lovely Miss Beth.  I hope you can tune in.

We have floated down some incredible rivers and seen so many animals I can't even recall them all.  The other day we had a big bull Moose in our back yard then about a half hour later, a cow and calf came through.  As we floated down the river the other day, we spotted a cow moose with twin calves who were frolicking in the grass. One of them came running right at us then turned and splashed back to the bank.  We were only about 20 feet away and it made mamma nervous so we got back in the raft and left.  Check out the pictures and videos.  Feel free to leave any comments you like.

This cow and her twins were along the bank of one of the rivers we rafted down.
The calves got frisky and almost ran into us.  I'll try to post the video.

This guy was in our back yard.  Notice his antlers are fuzzy.  That's called "In the Velvet".    His antlers will continue to grow and then he will rub off the "velvet" in time for breeding season this fall.

This little lady and youngster came through our yard shortly after Bullwinkle left.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hokey Smoke Bullwinkle!

I just can't believe another month has come and gone.  We have been traveling in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and right now Arizona.  We spent about 10 days at Lake Powell jet skiing and camping with friends.  What an "otherworldly" place that lake is.  If you ever get the chance to explore the slot canyons on a jet ski, do it.  Because they are so small, jet skis can access areas most boats can't.

I'll be on KEZ 99.9FM again tomorrow about 7:30 am.  It's always so much fun kidding around with Beth and helping folks with their pet problems.  I hope you get a chance to tune in.  I'm going to ask a trivia question so I'll give you readers a head start on the listeners.  What animal kills more people than any other in North America?  Some of you may of heard about the Grizzly that killed a hiker in Yellowstone recently.  We need to exercise caution when outdoors.  Our neighbors in Idaho have found a Mountain Lion and a badger on their front porch.  A black bear came up on our back porch last summer.  It is wonderful living in the woods but some common sense helps keep one safe.  I'll post some pictures of some of the scenery and "critters" we see regularly up in Idaho.

We have to head back soon to be with my dad for his bone marrow biopsy.  Take it from me, don't let anyone or anything keep you from spending time with loved ones until it's too late.  Regret sucks.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another Fun Day With Beth!

Had a great time with the oh so lovely miss Beth again today.  She's always so much fun.  And I don't know what got into Dooley today but he was on a roll!

Check out these pictures from Idaho

 This waterfall is only a short distance from our cabin.
This little guy was nibbling on the grass right beside the road.  When we pulled up and rolled down the window he didn't even blink.  I told Lorie to pinch his little butt and she began to stick her arm out the window..."No!  I was Just kidding!"  I yelled.  Even then he never acknowledged our presence.  That's the danger in messing with Bison.  They act all calm and peaceful until you are within easy striking distance.  Then it's too late.  Lesson here?  Enjoy from a distance.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

That Time Of The Month

No, It's not THAT time of the month PUH-LEASE!!! It's Beth & Friends time.... This Friday, June 10...7 am hour. I'll be taking your calls (602 260 0999) and  practicing my pet impressions on the very lovely Ms. McDonald.

Check out the big cat Beth had in studio on Wednesday, June 8. Orion is the new baby tiger kitty at the Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium.

Hmmm,  when I was a young whipper snapper, I thought I would be the Vet at Seaworld. But that was not to be, instead I've had the pleasure of treating your 4 legged family members.

Check out the picture that I got off the KEZ website. The baby tiger looks like he has something to say....

Check back soon to see some incredible pictures of a place I love in Idaho. Theses pictures will make you fall in love with the beautiful countryside....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

WE MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!

Well we finally made it to Idaho.  It was a little scary driving that rig.  It was longer than a bad dream and looked like the Beverly Hillbillies.  We arrived to find the driveway under 4 to 6 feet of snow.  The guy who usually clears out the snow couldn't make it so I told him I'd run the tractor if he trusted me.  HE GAVE ME DIRECTIONS OVER THE PHONE AND A FEW MINUTES LATER I WAS RUNNING THE THING!  Within a short time I had the driveway blown clear.  We had a few frozen pipes to deal with but other than that, it has been awesome.  We've seen a young bison right beside the road and had a mama moose and her calf cross the street in front of us.  We will be going into Yellowstone tomorrow and will have some great pictures to share.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heartwarming Farewell

Today was the farewell/retirement party at the clinic.  It was so very rewarding and heartwarming to have so many people come in and express their feelings of love and appreciation.  It was very hard to bid farewell to so many long time friends and clients but at least we can stay in touch by way of this blog and my email...which is; .  I'm hoping to get good at this blogging thing and keep everyone up to date on our adventures.  We are waiting on weather and road conditions to make the move.  There is still 3 feet of snow or more on the ground in Island Park.

We'll keep you posted.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's Beth and Friends Time Again ! Time Flies.....

I can't believe another month has come and gone.  The older ya get, the faster time flies !!  I'll be on the radio tomorrow morning about 7:40 answering questions and goofing around with the gang at KEZ 99.9FM.  It's always fun being on the show and there's never a shortage of interesting questions. 

The packing for the move is almost done but I heard yesterday that the snow is up to the second floor balcony!  WOW!!!  Good thing we planned the move so that we can wait to unpack.  We might take this opportunity to do a little traveling or just kick back at the cabin and enjoy being lazy for a few days.

Two of my books are done and I'll be working on getting them published and finishing the others. 

Stay tuned!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Moving...what fun !!!

Enjoyed being on the radio again this morning.  It's always fun trying to help folks with their pet problems.  Beth makes it funny and lite hearted.

So we are trying to get things packed and hoping the snow will melt enough to let us move in by mid April.  We'll see...  I'm having fun selling stuff on Craigslist and Lorie's getting into it now too.  We have a lot of "stuff".  (Anyone want a smokin' deal on the "LUV SHAK" (our motorhome)?)

Since someone decided they need my trailer more than I do, we've been dealing with the insurance company.  Word to the wise...KEEP RECORDS OF EVERYTHING YOU OWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you are ever the victim of a theft, it makes things MUCH easier if you can document that you owned the things that were taken.

I wish the thief/thieves well.  May they reap the just rewards of their actions.  I'm trying to look at it as a blessing in disguise...a very good disguise.

One last thing, to those of you who have been so supportive and wished us well in our retirement plans, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH !!!  Your love and support is DEEPLY appreciated.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beth and Friends on March 11th.

Hi guys.  I'll be on KEZ99.9 with Beth and Friends again on March 11th at about 8am.  Be sure to tune in or call with any questions.

We're gearing up for the big move to IDAHO...Who da ho?  Can't wait to get on Yellowstone Lake and catch some of those monstrous lake trout.  I dream about  it a couple of times a week.

The Blog is coming to life.... Under Construction.... Posts to follow soon.

Welcome to Dr. Mike The Pet Vet's first blog...  Please stay tuned...